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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: OpenDL 1.1

Format: Win OS

Description: A scriptlet used to create cool ways of opening your dialogs. There are a variety of different 'animations' that can be performed when a dialog is opened, including folding down, sliding open, and spawning out. The documentation is a little lacking, but hey it is designed for scripts so really we should be able to figure it out. I would have liked to seen descriptions for the different styles instead of having to test for myself, but that╞s not a major problem. One problem worth mentioning though is that the script doesn't check if the dialog is already open (which would have been nice). The coding is clean and has a nice style to it. Overall this is would make a really sweet addition to an addon that someone is making... it helps add to the overall 'wow' effect that some scripts go for.

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: Opminder 2

Format: Win OS

Description: Addon that allows people to gain ops in all common channels that you have ops on via a trigger (in msg) if they know the password. There is extensive documentation at the beginning of the remote file which explains the use of the addon, how to make it work and how it operates. All the menus are easily available via the popup menus in the channel, status and nick list. You can choose to make a password (if you don't have one set), to send it to a user of your choice, to change it or to remove it. The script has an on/off switch. It works very well, the only thing that could be improved is to halt the message of the user requesting ops and simply echo it to the respective channels instead as to prevent a query window from popping up (for those who have this option set). The coding is good, with the use of dynamic popups, etc. Perhaps the author could have used local aliases for his addon, but that is only a minor point. If you have use for this kind of addon, then I strongly recommend this one.

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: PMBlock 1

Format: Win OS

Description: PMBlock is a private message blocker that allows you to block private messages from users, send them a message telling them they've been blocked and then it will ignore them for a user-specified (you specify how long to ignore them) amount of time. The addon works fine, for the most part. It can become annoying seeing all of the 'Now ignoring ' in your active window (especially if you're in a channel). There was a problem with NO error checking on the 'Enter Time [in seconds]' request box. If you did not enter any information, or you clicked 'Cancel', the addon still turned on the blocker. In this case, if someone messaged you, you would receive this error: * /timerigt: invalid parameters (line 6, pmblock.mrc). The coding is very old fashioned. The author could have used /ignore -u[N] for ignoring someone for a certain amount of time, rather than his/her own customized timers, although I could see where the author might want to know when the user is removed so that he/she cou

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: PervScan 2.01

Format: Win OS

Description: PervScan is a profanity scanner which scans for inappropriate texts, nicks, idents, real name, and channels. The settings and preferences are neatly put in dialogs. The high points of the script include the idea of not having to zip up a bmp and ever having to worry about losing it by handling it in the script. Protected Channel option is great.. it seems like many scripts leave out the fact that some channels should be immune to your settings. There is a nice log window for the offenses, it allows the user to backtrack of the situation taken place. Allows the user to add/del inappropriate words instead of working by a fixed or "canned" listing and using wildcards. Questionable nick feature alerts the user when a word is being used in a nick. The word, at times it may or may not be profain. (This is nice, and took some thinking and consideration). There were only few minor faults that i could find. On join, when a violator is found, it tries to ban (or if enabled, send an /onotice) even when y

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: Poker 1

Format: Win OS

Description: Addon with dialog interface that allows you to play poker. The addon does contain a readme file with setup instructions and contact information for the most part. It's easy to use, the dialog being accessable either through the '/poker' alias or the channel, status and menubar popups. The dialog is composed of 5 icon fields. By clicking on a field, you will be able to "hold" the card that it contains. Clicking it again will "unhold" it. I have to admit that I don't really know how to play poker (should I be ashamed to admit that? ;) but it seems to me like the addon doesn't really respect the rules of the game. Clicking on the "Draw" button will allow you to exchange all cards in your hand except for the ones that you chose to hold. The game initially lets you start out with a value of 95$. Everytime that you draw, you either lose or win a certain amount of money. It's also possible that you may be even. The problem is that once you have a nice hand, you can simply chose to keep "holding" it i

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